We are a Sydney-based travel company, specialising in intricate, personalised travel for both the corporate executive and the leisure traveller searching for that authentic experience or luxury escape.
Created by Danny Cahalan in 2011 continuing a 25 year career, Solve Travel has developed into a close-knit group of dedicated travel designers who pride themselves on the success of intricate and challenging projects.
Knowledge is power. Nobody knows more about high end travel than the team at Solve Travel Management. We know where to stay and where to eat. What to see and how to see it. What to do… and what to avoid. Our attention to detail and creative approach to planning your travel itineraries leaves nothing to chance.
At Solve Travel you won’t deal with order-taking robots. We are intelligent problem-solvers. We will suggest options to improve your travel experience. We travel, experience first-hand, talk to our people on the ground and obtain valuable feedback from our clients. Personal experience and detailed knowledge differentiate Solve Travel from a traditional travel agency concept.